cARTed Series n.310 - janvier 2016 - Soulages
The Asking Meditation
Take a moment.
Perhaps close you eyes, and caress yourself in a soothing, loving way : a hand on your heart, or gentle rub of the upper arm. Where ever feels soothing to you.
Go inside yourself to a place where you can hear that voice inside you that is you.
What do you need in this moment ?
What would you ask for if you knew you could ?
If the shame or restrictions about asking for what you want, were not there ?
If you gently allowed yourself to be in touch with what you need, and then just as gently acted on that awareness.
Take a moment and know you can ask.
You can ask for what you need.
Listen to the restrictions that might arise. The old messages about not being greedy, or needy, or the many other things that you could have been told throughout your years.
Listen to them and ask anyway. Ask yourself for what you need, or ask a loved one, or a stranger, or any other human being with whom you are joined in common humanity.
Imagine yourself daring to ask for what you need. Imagine how life could be transformed.
Take a moment and see what you have to gain.
Take a moment and know that you can ask for what you need.
Be daring. And ask for what you need.

The Asking Project
Clay, engobe, oxides